Ecommerce SEO

An eCommerce business today faces fierce competition. When you launch your online store into the world wide web, you face the challenge of standing out among countless other vendors.
One of the best ways to gain traffic to your eCommerce store is through organic search engine traffic. Search engines, primarily Google, are where most of us look when we are trying to find a store that’s selling what we want. As a result, you want to make sure that your online store ranks highly in search engines organically.
So how do you do this?
That’s where LAD Solutions comes in.
”LAD is not just an SEO provider, but a full-service online presence management firm.
Shawn K.

What Is SEO?
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a method for increasing a website’s organic ranking in search engines like Google, Yahoo & Bing through high-quality written text, proper on-page meta tags, and off-page link popularity. Whether it is the website’s copy, blog posts, or product descriptions, the text along with the meta tags are enhanced to match keywords that are commonly searched for in a given niche to allow search engines to better understand your business and rank you higher for relevant search phrases.
As Los Angeles’ best SEO company, we know the ins and outs of SEO.

Affordable eCommerce SEO Services
We have been providing the most reliable and affordable SEO services for eCommerce businesses for over 10 years. We offer a range of services to help with increasing your eCommerce store’s visibility on search engines. With our expert marketing team by your side, we will work relentlessly to grow your eCommerce business and increase your brand awareness.
Let’s dive deeper to see what we can offer you regarding keyword research.
Search Intent
Among search engines, most notably Google, there has been a new concept referred to as “search intent.” Search intent is ranking articles and other media for product-based keywords.
When searching for a product within Google’s search engine, you will most likely find articles related to the product rather than product pages.
As a result, if you wish to sell a product it is better to write an article that discussed the product. Within the article, you can link to the product page.
You also need to know the keywords that rank highly in search engines, as well as the type of content that is the most popular.
Keyword Research
We are here to assist you with keyword research. Keyword research is an essential aspect of Search Engine Optimization to help your eCommerce business get found organically on Google, Yahoo & Bing.
In our approach, we look at all of the keywords that your website ranks for organically. We then put together an SEO strategy for your website to make sure that keywords that are not at the forefront of the search results, begin to rank higher and bring in the relevant traffic needed to boost sales.
We can help with keyword research, building links, and re-optimizing your web pages to ensure that your eCommerce business gets on the first page of Google.
Other Services
Our other services regarding keyword research include Competitive Gap Keyword Research which looks at your competition and what keywords they are using to help them rank highly. We then make sure that your eCommerce website utilizes these same keywords.
We also include Category Page Keyword Research. This service finds the high-ranking keywords for the different category pages from your eCommerce website. Once your pages are developed and rich with content, we will help you optimize them to rank in search engines.

On-Page SEO
The next step after we help you with your keywords is to On-Page SEO. With this, the goal is to help the search engines better understand the different pages on your eCommerce website and what keywords each page should be ranking for organically.
There are many services we can offer with regard to On-Page SEO.
Titles, Tags, Headers, Meta Descriptions
Your web pages will all have a title and a meta description. You want to make sure that the leading keywords are used in your title and meta description.
We will find the best keywords and help you with this. These keywords can include buzzwords such as “Free Shipping” and “Daily Discounts” to attract more potential customers.
Your meta description shows what your website page is about. This short description is what grabs someone’s attention and gets them to click on your website’s link.
Creating Content
We’re here to help you create content. It’s no secret that content is the best way to engage an audience. Simply having product descriptions is not good enough. You want quality content that explains what your brand and your products are about. This content will also introduce your audience to your niche.
Product Descriptions
Your product descriptions have to be well-crafted. These should also be written with the highly ranked keywords to increase your visibility in search engines. Even if your products are not unique, and the competition offers similar products, your product descriptions must be unique.
To do this, we’ll help with keyword research. We’ll ascertain what the best keywords are for your product and write a killer product description around them.
We’ll also ensure that your product descriptions are compelling. They will be written so as to not only detail your product’s features but also convince your customer to purchase them.

SEO For The Users
There are also several aspects of SEO that are related to making your eCommerce website more appealing to users.
These will include improving the User Experience (UX) through design and through content. This can range from redesigning the website to adjusting the navigation to make it easier for users to browse.
We will also help with creating and adding visual content (images and video) to grab your user’s attention. These are also crucial for showcasing the features and specifications of the products that your eCommerce store sells.
Additionally, we know how to optimize the loading speed of your website. The faster it loads, the higher it will be ranked in search engines.
We’ll also help make sure that your content more mobile-friendly. This means that your content will be easily viewable on mobile devices. More and more users are accessing content on their mobile devices as opposed to desktop devices. You want your content optimized for both.
Finally, we are here to design your content strategy. We will help you decide what is the best content to produce and assist with researching your market. We will choose the topics that best suit your niche, so you can deliver killer content that will grow awareness around your eCommerce brand.
You want your eCommerce brand to grow. You need SEO. LAD Solutions is your solution.
Call us at 888.523.2926 or click here for a No-Obligation Consultation today!
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